Expression of Interest Form

Version: 10.0  |  Responsibility: Admissions and Administration Department  |  Last Reviewed: September 2022

Personal Details

(as stated in your passport)
Student must be at least 18 years of age at the time of arrival in Australia

Passport and Visa Details

Course of Study

Reason for Choosing this Course

Overseas Student Health Cover

This is a compulsory visa requirement
The length of your OSHC MUST cover the total length of your course(s). The Australian Government requires all persons entering Australia on a Student Visa to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

English Language Proficiency

Education History

Employment History

Requests and Preferences

(This Time-table choice is NOT guaranteed. RGIT Australia will do their best to meet this request):

Additional documents

Media Consent

Student Declaration:

  • I confirm that I have read and understood RGIT Australia’s current Student Prospectus or information provided on RGIT Australia website ( which details information about the ESOS framework, course entry requirements, English entry requirements, LLN requirements. I also understand fees payments and refund policy, including an explanation of what occurs, if for some unforeseen reason, the course is not delivered.

  • I confirm that I am fully aware of the fees and refund policy, conditions of enrolment and privacy statement as set out in Privacy Policy and Procedure, available at, which I agree to abide by as a student at RGIT Australia.

  • I understand that I am not required to pay more than the initial tuition fee amount as stated on this offer letter (or 50% of the tuition fee) before the start of the course.
    However, I am also aware that I have a choice to pay more than 50% of the tuition fees or the full course fees upfront if I choose to do so. Any amount of fees paid before the start of the course will be reflected in my Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

  • I declare that all information provided in this expression of interest is complete and correct. I understand that failure to provide correct information or documentation in relation to this expression of interest may result in cancellation of my enrolment.

    Note: This expression of interest and declaration must be signed by a parent or legal guardian if the student is under 18 years of age at the time of expression of interest. Student must be at least 18 years of age at the time of arrival in Australia.